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Ladies Golf

The Ladies Golf Association (LGA) at the Country Club of Culpeper in VA Provides Women with Competitive and Friendly Golf Outings

LGA Mission Statement in VA

The LGA in VA meets and plays golf together for several reasons:

  1. For our collective love of the game of golf.
  2. For the friendships we form and the fun we have.  We hit good shots (rejoicing) and bad shots (trying to laugh and move on).
  3. We wish to learn from each other.
  • There is a tradition of respect and honor in golf. We respect our fellow VA golfers, being courteous and polite.  We honor the dignity of our fellow golfers by being kind and patient with each other.  We take care to sign up as required in a timely fashion and to notify the Ladies Day committee if we have to cancel.
  • We respect the golf courses we play.  We try to obey the instructions we receive so that the course remains in good condition.
  • We want to teach the various many rules of golf to those who are newer to the game.  We take advantage of opportunities to share our experience and knowledge.

Officers for 2023golf Ann duFrane 225x300

Co-Presidents: Lisa Rand & Ann Dufrane
Vice-President: Rae Pilgrim
Treasurer: Margie Southard
Secretary: Myrna Dunn

Team Captain: Ann Dufrane

Assistant Captain:  Lisa Rand


Spring Kickoff Meeting in March 2023

Date TBD

If you are interested in the LGA, please contact

Lisa Rand at lisar799@gmail.com or

Ann Dufrane at annduf1029@gmail.com

Please check =out the LGA Facebook page
